109年10月22日(四)辦理演講「AI for Safer and Earlier Medicine」,歡迎踴躍參加。

一、活動時間:109年10月22日 (四) 12:00~13:30
三、題目:AI for Safer and Earlier Medicine
四、主講人:李友專 特聘教授
臺北醫學大學 醫學資訊研究所 特聘教授
臺北醫學大學 校級人工智慧醫療研究中心 副主任
臺北醫學大學 院級健康資訊科技國際研究中心 主任
臺北醫學大學 市立萬芳醫院皮膚科 主任
-《International Journal for Quality in Health Care》
-《Journal of Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine》
美國猶他大學 醫學資訊博士
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has had a great impact on the healthcare field and will continue to transform health systems radically. Every healthcare professional should arm themselves with the knowledge to face these changes. In light of the AlphaGo program that wins over two of the best Go chess players in the world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now back to the spotlight again. Given advice and warnings from some of the top minds like Elon Mush and the late Steven Hawkings, it seems inevitable that AI is going into a fast-pace development in the next few years and likely to impact every aspect of our lives very soon. This talk will describe some of the most important AI applications in healthcare, namely, quality and patient safety, early detection of diseases and individualized prevention. We will also discuss how Big Data and AI will go hand-in-hand in the future of health care for all the stakeholders, in terms of high-performance healthcare and precision medicine.
六、聯絡人:臨床資訊與醫學統計研究中心 邱小姐 分機:3760
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